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Rice Dispenser Reviews
Are you looking for the best rice dispenser? We have performed extensive research to

What is the Best Rice Cooker for you?
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Cooking Rice in the Microwave
These days its common for rice to be cooked using a microwave. A microwavable
Welcome! Here at knowing rice we aim to inform about rice whether it’s about growing, cooking or gaining knowledge. You can find out some general information on rice below or navigate through our website from the navigation menu on the left to find more specific information you may be searching for. Rice is well known across the globe, in fact rice is important to half of the world population and has become a popular food dish whether it’s a side dish or main course. Asia is where rice is traditionally from and where it is most related to as a popular food source. Due to its worldwide popularity and food intake rice has become an important grain for the consumption of calories. Rice provides over 20% of the overall calorie intake of the world’s population!
Production of Rice
As rice is widely demanded all over the world there is no surprise in saying that rice is one of the world’s most produced grains. Only corn falls in front of rice production. Rice production is grown in a few different environments including irrigated lowland or upland locations, however there are 2 main methods for the production of rice which are deepwater rice and rice paddy field farming. Each method has their own advantages which are suited to certain environmental conditions. Deepwater rice is all about growing rice in flooded areas with at least up to 50 centimeters of flooded water. Theses specific areas are a lot more limited and the rice is more prone to increased detrimental effects. Rice paddy fields are the most popular method for growing rice as farmers have lot more control over water levels as well as crop health. Many processes go into growing rice, you can find all steps that are essential to growing good quality yield here: Processes of Rice Production
Different Types of Rice
Currently, various types of rice are grown all over the planet and with a staggering estimation of 40 thousand varieties of rice being cultivated. With all these different types of rice you get a wide range of sizes and colors. Every type has its own purpose and characteristics when it comes to cooking or rice production. Check out some of common and perhaps types you have never come across before: Types of Rice.
Cooking Rice
Cooking of rice is actually easy to do, with little effort and is certainly one of the most cooked dishes in the world for its high demand. Cooking appliances have also been manufactured specifically for the cooking of rice, namely rice cookers. Rice cookers make cooking rice even easier and helps deliver the rice you desire after its cooked Cooking With Rice.

Simon Rickford
Rice Lover
My love of all things rice has lead me to create this blog to capture my love of rice in cyberspace. I hope you enjoy.